Yesterday we had our 4 month checkup with Dr. Burton, which is their development doctor. She said that they are doing fabulous.
They passed all their test from grabbing objects to talking and answering. They both are going through the pre-crawling stage, which means that any day, I will probably have 2 crawlers. OH MY GOODNESS! It is hard to believe that my little ones are going to start crawling.
Then we measure them to see how they are doing on that. . .good!
Blake is: 15 lbs. 14 oz. and 25 3/4 inches long
Luke is: 15 lbs. 7 oz. and 26 1/4 inches long
Still taller than brother, but catching up in weight.
We can start having the "puffs" and "cheerios" now, so I am excited about trying to start "spit food" as she calls it.
Other than that, they are doing wonderful! It's hard to believe, they are going to be 9 months old.
Where does the time go. . .

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