I know people do this all the time, and I sometimes blog on myspace, so this is some what new to me!
So, I have been battling with being a new Mommy again. Dale and I thought we were only having one baby, but to our SURPRISE, we had twins! Twin Boys! Blake and Luke. And so far it has been interesting, but fun! Some of my friends call me a "Super Mom" because I also have a three year old named Landon and I work full time.

So, back to my battle, working full time, coming home and having to be "Mommy" full time; it really takes a toll on you! I think my biggest struggle is knowing that when my kiddos are not feeling good, there is nothing I can really do about it! I mean working full time, they have to be near death or running fever before I can stay home with them and take care of them, and that really bothers me! It makes me feel like an "unfit" mother. Moms should be there all the time to take care of their kiddos, but I am stuck at work!
Sometimes, I just wish things were easier! I know that in less than 2 years, Landon will be starting Kindergarten! It is amazing how the time flies. I just feel like I am missing out on so much! Am I the only one that feels that way?